Isidro Hernandez
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Isidro Hernandez is an experienced web developer and marketing expert who is a valued member of The Haunt Store team. Hernandez also provides extensive developer experience and support for major companies to such as Disney and the ABC Network Television. He has a wide variety of strategic methods in information technology which include: development of HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Adobe Products, CMS, AMS and BASH Scripts, WordPress, publishing media sites, implementation of solutions delivery, open source solutions to replace 3rd party commercial software. Hernandez has been applauded for developing training manuscripts and teaching new techniques to teams to be efficient and exemplary.

Hernandez also heads up Alpha Marketing Cloud as a Marketing Automation Specialist. In this position, he provides brand management and web development, serving companies and shareholders with improving the value of brands/products through online development, branding, marketing collateral, campaigns, client relationship management and product design. His work has been successful in rebranding efforts for businesses within the health and wellness, transportation, and sports industries.

Hernandez also has supported individual clients on a consultant level with web development and marketing support to include developing WordPress websites with HTML, CSS and plugins to ensure that clients were able to reach their projected customer goals. He also supported companies throughout California in financial advising and asset management. Hernandez is skilled with Linux Administration, Cisco Fundamentals, Virtual Image Management, Cloud Infrastructure, VMWare, Web Analytics, and software and hardware coding. He continually works to improve his technical skills and certifications in order to be top within his field.