
Horror-loving friends Trevor Shand, Lauren Shand and Leone D'Antonio form the definitive horror film podcast, "The Boo Crew."...

Born in LA, Marley's journey as an actress kicked off after landing a leading role in "Warriors of Virtue." Since then, she has played opposite Tobey Maguire in "Pleasantville," taken on the role of Dr. Dakota Block both of the "Grindhouse" double features "Planet Terror" and "Deathproof", and given returning...

Jason Patric portrayed Michael in “The Lost Boys.” is a film, television, and stage actor. He’s portrayed over 40 roles since starting his career in 1985, including Dr Theo Yedlin in “Wayward Pines” and Lord Byron in "Frankenstein Unbound". Fans will be able to meet him Saturday and Sunday....