
Introducing the “Don’t Go Outside” film competition!

If we learned nothing from repeat viewings of “The Shining” it’s that long periods of isolation with just a family member or two sparks the imagination. Wait – bad analogy.

Let’s get right to it: to honor and encourage the creativity of filmmakers who may be inspired to use their time at home to make scary or spooky movies, we’ve launched a new category for the Midsummer Scream Screaming Room: “DON’T GO OUTSIDE.”

Film’s entered for this category will be eligible for a few special prizes including a $100 gift card for dinner ANYWHERE after stay at home orders are lifted.

And, if you use or feature a song from LOVECRAFT you’ll also be eligible to win a $5000 budget to shoot a music video – details below!

To qualify, films must be…

  • Made while the Los Angeles area “Stay At Home” orders are in effect (films don’t need to be made in Los Angeles).
  • Submitted no later than 30 days after the Los Angeles area “Stay At Home” orders end.
  • Made while fully following the “Stay at Home” guidelines, (Seriously, this needs to be shot at your home, using only the people you’re stuck with there. Collaborations with others done over the internet are okay including video chats file sharing.)
  • Optional: when uploading your film to YouTube, Vimeo, etc., tag it #dontgooutside and #midsummerscream to help us promote it!

To submit your completed film, use code DONTGOOUTSIDE for an entry-fee waiver here:


Films entered can also qualify for the LOVECRAFT film contest just by using a song from their album and following the instructions on their page (just be sure to select both “DON’T GO OUTSIDE” and “Soundtracked by Lovecraft” as your categories when submitting).